immunofluorescence reagents
Biotime inaugure un centre d'échange universitaire à Xiamen Jun 09, 2022

On June 6, 2022, the Opening Ceremony of Biotime Academic Exchange Center was successfully held. Associate Dean of Shanghai Academy of Experimental Medicine, President of the National Association of Health Industry and Enterprise Management, Professor Song Haibo, Director of the Fujia Provincial Center For Clinical Laboratory, President of the Fujian Medical Association, Chen Falin, Xiamen University Life Sciences School Professor, Director of the Xiamen University - Biotime Research Center for Translational Medicine Zhang Yongyou and other guests, Chairman of Biotime Zhang Guofeng, Co-CEO Yin Peng, Vice General Manager Huang Jianguo and Zhuang Yanghuang and other business leaders attended the ceremony.

Centre d'échange universitaire Biotime

Vice General Manager Zhuang Yanghuang led the ceremony

Vice General Manager Zhuang said that Biotime Academic Exchange Center is expected to create opportunities and promote exchanges for the experts across the country, and this is also an opportunity for us, to do our best and strive for better future.

Centre d'échange universitaire Biotime

Centre d'échange universitaire Biotime

Professor Song Haibo, President of the Fujian Medical Association Chen Falin, Deputy Director of Xiamen University School of Public Health, Director of the Center for Clinical Laboratories of Xiamen Humanity Hospital, Zhang Zhongying, together with Co-CEO of Biotime Yin Peng officially unveiled the commemorative plaque of the Biotime Academic Exchange Center.

Centre d'échange universitaire Biotime

Co-CEO of Biotime Yin said that Biotime Academic Exchange Center is a platform at a higher level among leading experts and research communities at university, utilize Biotime’s production capacity to transform R&D achievements into product, as the mission we believe and keep pursuing,“ Technology for Health

Centre d'échange universitaire Biotime
Director of the Fujian Provincial Center For Clinical Laboratory, President of the Fujian Medical Association, Chen Falin delivers the opening speech

On the afternoon of June 6, the 1rst Session of Academic Salon was held.Director Chen said that productivity blends with creativity is a necessity in the development of Medical Laboratory, the establishment of Biotime Academic Exchange Center is to better apply the In-Vitro Diagnostic products into practice .

Centre d'échange universitaire Biotime

Le co-PDG de Biotime Yin Peng partage la tendance de la médecine translationnelle et des plateformes technologiques et produits de Biotime

Centre d'échange universitaire Biotime

Professeur de l'École des sciences de la vie de l'Université de Xiamen, directeur de l'Université de Xiamen - Centre de recherche Biotime pour la médecine translationnelle Zhang Yongyou partage le développement du produit de diagnostic in vitro avec la conception alimentée par l'IA

Biotime Academic Exchange Center fournit une plate-forme de niveau supérieur pour les meilleurs experts, exerce sa volonté et ses capacités sur l'industrie du diagnostic in vitro et prend l'initiative de construire une écosphère durable et de faire progresser la combinaison de la production et du développement de produits.

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